I'm suppose to sell cameras, but the only thing i do is sit down and stare at security cams all day and watch people come and go.
My brain hurts not doing anything or not thinking of anything
2 years in boarding school paid off i guess haha
My experience working at jusco for 3 days hahahaha 3 days je? hahaha sadistic giler!
I sit down and wait
I stare at security cams
I watch people come and go
I'm in jusco, but i'm not allowed to do anything
All i do is nothing
I cant even read books while working
Or play games
I get a security check everytime walking out (kena raba woi haha)
I work 930-700, 1.30-11 or 930-11
I get home tired and still not doing anything
I'm hungry and thirsty
I live in fear of the dementors haha (pak gurad)
I think i'm better of working as sumting much more active and involves moving around alot or lots of thinking and with freedom to read books when doing nothing
so i am an unemployed man and proud of it!
But i'll be working soon, on the internet making money and the best part is, FLEXIBLE HOURS AND WORKING AT HOME!!!! haha
I also have time to complete some video games. Whats the point of a playstation existing in ur home and ur not playing wif it? cuti2 spm 3 bulan weh, tu blum masuk Miat lg, bulan 7 baru masuk haha
research shows that, playing video games helps develop ur brain
aku nak game little big planet!!!!!!!!!!
Sitting at home watching is Discovery channel is quite entertaining
history channel too
so next week
skolah dah start
and i'm at home, alone...
Thats all for now
Enjoi ur holidays
happy back to school! ( kalau yg skolah lglah)
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