Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

4th of March 2009

Most of U people from Samura
might already got the letter to wear nicely time amik results (pakai jeans tak sopan ke? bukanye koyak2 pun haha)
I got mine today, it was the same letter, but there was a small note on it
it says
LEGARM, Apa projek masa cuti

takut weh haha

Here's the real note, the actual one that came with the letter!
please send ur comments, i want to know ur point of view, thank u!

2 komentar:

ikyn adzmi mengatakan...


izna is eyelent mengatakan...

ak rase dak junior ko la..
mst la ckg suh dak batch 26 gunting ngn tampl address kite kt envelope tue.. xpon mst ckg kesygn ko..