Adalah Kunci
Untuk Kita
Menaklukan Dunia
Tanpa Lelah
Sampai Engkau Meraihnya!!!
Selamat Memulakan Perjalanan Ke Menara Gading!
Hall Of Matrikers 2009 haha
Nadrah-Future Pharmacist kot
Ismail Azzry-Future Millionaire Surgeon FOR SURE!
Syahir-Future i dont know cita2 dia apa haha
Kepada rakan2 yg dapat tawaran biasiswa JPA, Tahniah, Spend it wisely
Kepada rakan2 yg tidak dapat, Jangan Sedeh, Its not the end
Semalam sebuah debate bersama Cik Aleena seorang Ex-Debater dari SM Sains Seri Puteri
The motion was
Local U vs Overseas JPA Scholars
In the end, the combine conlusion was
An individual plays an important role for the country no matter where they are, overseas or local.
Usah bersedeh-sedeh, kalau bukan kita yg local University yg menaikkan yg University-University negara ini, siapa lg? foreigners? haha
Remember this
School>> University>> Degree>> Then wat?
wherever u are, its the same thing that everyone of u will face, so dont be sad la haha
"dont worry, about a thing, coz every little thing, is gonna be alright"
-Bob Marley
Kepada pelajar2 yg akan menjalankan pengajian di pusat2 asasi UIAM, UM dan UITM
reunion kat mid eh nanti hahaha
5 komentar:
ala...oozie pon nk join!!
tp oozie uitm jengka!!
aku nak join :D
lantak ah aku U ape pon nak join gak ahhhhh
aku sure join kau ijam!!
aku blanja la!Q!
i owe u rite??
mid?err okay okay (actually mid pn aku tak tau hahahaha)
ehh !! penipuuu !! hahaha conclusion kite laen ehh ! or well conclusion aku laen !!! X( har har har
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