It is the 26th of September 2014, 6;51 AM. I havent had any sleep last night, I tried, but I just ended up browsing through random stuff and read some useful articles (sort of) and a book. While I am writing this post, I split my monitor into two. One side is currently playing a movie recommended by a veteran movie watcher friend of mine, Sheikh Ahmad Arif, the movie is, "The Fault In Our Stars". I am up to 40 minutes at the moment and it seems quite interesting and very touching, I kinda got into tears at some part, you just have to watch it yourself haha.Oh, the other side of the screen is the blog post window.
So I am currently through two months of unemployment, I did get one interview so far, but the interview date have not been set yet and I hope it would be at a good time, so that I could fully mentally prepare, I really want this job, it is definitely my destiny. Its not everyday you get to classify something as "Destiny" material. If everything goes through well, I will feel like I've cured ebola.
I've been quite a tough time last week, I'm not interested in explaining unless I meet you in person. So I ended up staying home most of my time and in my room playing destiny or watch dogs. Though, I am at full gear trying to fix my sleeping schedule. Besides that, I get so bored at home, I started studying again, currently I am looking up computer codes, C++ and HTML at the moment. I am planning to go through fluid dynamics and thermodynamics. My brain needs engineering refreshments haha.
I read a book on the science behind addiction once. So basically whatever you enjoy doing and addicted to it, such as social networking, video games reading or whatsoever, its actually the same addicted to nicotine or whatever drugs. So you are the kind that checks your phone every five minutes for social networking or whatsoever, you really got some issues going up in your head haha.
So after graduation, my head is sort of feeling a bit on the way to sober.From what you may ask? probably the engineering stuff. Well I was the sort of study nerd, not the anti social sort of type (I was also a part time lifeguard (read:baywatch)). Right now, I need the study stimulant back haha.
This upcoming saturday, which is tomorrow, I am going to my alma mater Sekolah Menengah Sains Muar (SAMURA) for the English Improvement Training program. So the topic for the upcoming session would be on interviews. (the irony eh? haha) hope it would be good for the kids and it would be good for me too.
Right now I am at 1 hour and 5 minutes through the movie haha. Anyway a blog post is incomplete without a photo, so here's a photo
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